How Often Should You Call or Visit an Elderly Loved One Who Recently Moved into Assisted Living?

When an aging parent or other elderly loved one moves into assisted living, you want to check on them.

Walks Can Be a Wonderful Activity for Any Senior, Including Those at Assisted Living

It’s not just the physical benefit a person can gain by walking regularly, it may also lift their spirits, give them an opportunity to spend quality time with another individual, and simply feel refreshed.

Love Is Sometimes Telling a Person What They Don’t Want to Hear, Such as That Assisted Living Could Be a Wonderful Option

More and more these days it seems as though people define love as either just an emotional reaction or acceptance of every possible viewpoint.

The Unspoken Hazards of Living Home Alone and Why Seniors Benefit from a Quality Assisted Living Community

As a younger, healthier adult, you may have a tendency to overlook the various risks and hazards associated with everyday life.

Helping an Aging Senior Plan for a Move Is Made Easier with These Four Steps

Family and friends may rally around this senior to help them with this move, but there are a few things to keep in mind that can make this transition a bit easier or, at the very least, less fraught with unanswered questions or mistakes.

3 Strategies That Might Get Your Mom to (At Least) THINK About Assisted Living

She may just assume this is fine with you, that you can handle it, but if she understands you are pushing yourself beyond your limits and getting stressed out as her primary caregiver, she might be far more inclined to be open-minded about assisted living.

Those First Days at Assisted Living Could Be Challenging, So Avoid Giving in Right Away

Encouraging your elderly mother or father or somebody else you love to move into assisted living may have taken an act of courage. This is especially true if they are resistant or simply afraid of making this type of life change, especially at this point in their life.

One Senior Man Considering the Possibility of Moving into an Assisted Living Facility

It’s Time To Listen When Dad Mentions Assisted Living Near Satsuma, AL, It has been a few years now that your father has been living alone. During the first several months after your mother passed away, you and maybe some siblings would check on him regularly. You wanted to make sure he was recovering, that […]

What is Your Interpretation of Assisted Living?

They Do That? Assisted Living, Myths, and Reality near Satsuma, AL When you hear the term “assisted living,” what do you think about? If you are like far too many Americans, you probably have a number of misconceptions about it. The reason for this is that Hollywood and other places have created the illusion of […]

One Woman’s Story: The Surprise of Assisted Living near Satsuma, AL

I had been living on my own for more than 65 years. I left home in a fit when I was 16, enlisted in the Army during the tail end of World War II, and never looked back. I married at 23, bought my first home at 25, and was self sufficient through all of […]