3 Things Dad Can Do This Summer at Assisted Living

Assisted Living in Chickasaw AL Sometimes it’s difficult trying to convince an elderly loved one, such as your father, to consider assisted living. That’s because many people have various misconceptions and preconceived notions about this type of senior living option. Once people begin to learn more about assisted living and the benefits it can offer, […]

Assisted Living Might Be a Topic to Discuss Again Following a Hospitalization

Assisted Living in Chickasaw AL For several months Tina and her husband had been trying to convince her mother to consider assisted living. Once she lost her husband of 58 years, Tina had worried about her mother’s well-being. At the time, she wasn’t interested in even considering the prospect of moving from the home she […]

How Affordable is Assisted Living, Really?

Assisted Living in Chickasaw AL One of the most common concerns people have about assisted living is cost. Most people have a tendency to assume assisted living is one of the most expensive forms of senior care around, but that’s simply not the case. It all depends on location, location, location. If something is in […]

4 Steps to a Positive Attitude about Assisted Living

Assisted Living in Chickasaw AL Considering assisted living as a great option for any senior. There are numerous benefits to moving into one of these communities, but for some it can be viewed as a negative aspect in life. When family members, friends, and others begin encouraging somebody to look into assisted living, they may […]

3 Ways to Encourage Dad to become more Involved at His Assisted Living Community

Assisted Living in Chickasaw AL When your father first moved into the assisted living facility, you might’ve had high hopes for him. Since your mother passed away, you noticed a pattern in which he withdrew from friends, avoided doing certain activities, and basically sat around all day watching TV, reading books, doing puzzles, or doing […]

Some Assisted Living Facilities May Accept Pets, but Not Many

Assisted Living in Chickasaw AL Pets can be incredibly beneficial for people as they get older. Small dogs and cats can offer companionship for seniors, especially those living alone. Research has indicated that having a pet or just sitting with one and petting it on a regular basis can help to lower blood pressure, stress, […]

Assisted Living and Vision Challenges

Assisted Living in Chickasaw AL The first time Amanda’s family mentioned the prospect that she should consider assisted living as a more viable option for her, she didn’t even want to listen. After all, even though she was 83 years old, she thought of herself as being able to tend to her basic care pretty […]