3 Common Questions People Don’t Ask That Could Have Helped Them Realize Assisted Living Is a Great Option

How vital are questions? In truth, a question that isn’t asked is a significant loss of potential information. Unfortunately, it’s a lot easier for some people to not ask questions they have and rely on their own assumptions, misconceptions, or even prejudices than to actually learn the truth. When this happens, it becomes much more […]

Making the Transition to Assisted Living Smoother

Moving into an assisted living facility may not be what an elderly person always dreamed about. This may, in fact, be one of the last things they want to consider, but after they started to contemplate their own limitations, the struggle their loved ones were facing just helping them out, and what the future could […]

How Long Should You Keep Talking to Mom About Assisted Living?

Your mother is 76 and has been living alone for quite some time. You’ve been concerned about her physical safety, but also her emotional state of mind. She doesn’t seem to have any friends in the area any longer and you keep talking about assisted living. However, she doesn’t want to listen. She has been […]

Tips to Help Dad Make This Move to Assisted Living Easier

Assisted Living in Daphne AL Your father has finally agreed to move. He was living in that big house all alone, ever since your mother passed away two years ago. Some of his friends moved away, passed away, and he had been feeling lonely in recent months. It wasn’t easy, but after many lengthy discussions, […]

5 Ways Assisted Living Is the Best Elder Care Option

Assisted Living in Daphne AL In the realm of elder care there are plenty of options. One of them includes assisted living. Many people have various misconceptions about it, such as that it’s too expensive, the staff at these places don’t really care about their clients, and so much more. The reality is much different. […]

5 Questions to Ask a Loved One when Discussing Assisted Living

Assisted Living in Daphne, AL The first time Wilma’s family approached her about assisted living, she was adamantly against the idea. She had been living in the same house for more than 30 years and had no intention of leaving. She assumed they were concerned about her well-being since her husband recently passed away, but […]

Assisted Living Communities May Help Seniors Feel Better About A Lot of Things

Daphne, AL – Assisted Living May Help Seniors Feel Better Tom was adamantly against his family’s suggestion of moving to an assisted living community. The last thing he wanted to consider was packing up his belongings and moving from the house he living in for the last 45 years. He and his wife had purchased […]

What Options Are There for Someone Who has to Downsize and Move Into Assisted Living? Find Out a Few Here.

Downsizing in Winter for a Move to Assisted Living near Daphne, AL Whenever a person makes the decision to move into assisted living, it will generally mean they have to downsize from their current residence. Downsizing is a process in which you are going to be moving from a home that you’ve lived in for […]

Is Assisted Living is A Good Option for the Patient Who Needs Constant Care?

What is your Definition of A Patient whom requires Constant Care?  One of the more common questions that people have when looking at various options for their elderly loved one is whether assisted living is something to consider, especially if they believe their loved one requires constant care. In most cases, assisted living can accommodate […]

Is Mom Eating at Her Assisted Living Facility near Daphne, AL?

If your mother has moved into an assisted living community, you may have some concerns about her care, especially during the earliest parts of her residency. You will likely be calling her every day, or as often as possible to find out how she is. If you live close enough, then you’re likely going to […]