Making the Most of Every Day at Assisted Living

Senior Care in Spanish Fort AL

Senior Care in Spanish Fort ALThere are many common misconceptions people have about assisted living. Some immediately assume it is nothing more than a glorified nursing home. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

The reality is that an assisted living community is essentially an environment, or a residence, where seniors can live as independently as they wish or rely on support of experienced staff members. There are often activities across a wide range of interests that go on throughout the day, all week long.

Getting the most out of any potential situation requires somebody to manage their time properly. Somebody who no longer has to get up for work, who doesn’t have a schedule to keep, may find it difficult to keep track of time and avoid looking up and being surprised that it’s late afternoon and closing in on evening.

February is National Time Management Month and the best way to make the most out of every day at assisted living is to have a plan in place.

Wake up at a set time.
Just because somebody no longer has to get up to get their children ready for school or head off to work doesn’t mean they should turn the alarm off and wake up whenever they happen to get around to it. It’s a good idea to set an alarm and continue waking up at the same time every day.

This will provide a good foundation for the rest of the day.

Gather a list of all activities to take place for the week.
Picking either Saturday or Sunday is a good time to get a list of all upcoming activities set to take place in the facility. As long as a senior has a good idea of what will take place throughout the week, he or she will be able to determine which activities they want to explore, consider taking part of, and more.

Keep a calendar handy.
It’s a good idea to keep a calendar on hand, either a digital organizer or a manual one. The senior should write down doctor’s appointments, medication schedules, and activities they want to pursue. They can write down the room or location where each activity is scheduled to take place so they don’t have to struggle to find it at the appointed time.

By managing their time more efficiently, seniors can take advantage of every benefit available to them throughout assisted living.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Assisted Living near Spanish Fort, AL, contact Ashbury Manor Specialty Care and Assisted Living at 251-317-3017.

About Cindy Johnson

Ashbury Manor’s Administrator since 2008, Cindy Johnson is a long-time expert in the assisted living field. Prior to her arrival at Ashbury Manor, Cindy managed acquisitions and crisis management for existing and new larger senior care project developments for eleven years. As regional manager for an Oregon-based assisted living management company, Cindy was directly responsible for operations for five 50-65 bed assisted living facilities. As manager during the transition to new ownership, Cindy reorganized internal operations and conducted leadership training for Executive Directors. As a result of her management and expertise, one of the company’s facilities (in Ocala, Florida) received a deficiency-free survey, resulting in the lifting of a moratorium on operation.

A nurse for 36 years, senior care has always been Cindy’s passion. Desiring to work more closely with residents, Cindy became a Category II Administrator in 2005. As Ashbury Manor’s Administrator, Cindy understands the complexities associated with dementia and cognitive impairment and she has fallen in love with seniors with dementia or cognitive impairment and their families.

Cindy is Treasurer of the local “Senior Coalition” chapter. She enjoys mentoring new candidates who want to become administrators.

As a 16-bed facility, with Cindy's training and experience, our residents and their families can be sure Ashbury Manor’s carefully selected staff provides the expertise of a larger facility while maintaining the individualized personal care of a small special needs home.
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