10 Questions to Ask an Assisted Living Residence near Fairhope AL

Trying to decide which assisted living center would be the right one for you, or for a loved one, can be challenging. This is a major life change, especially if your moving into an assisted living facility from a house or apartment in which you’ve lived for many years.Assisted Living Fairhope AL

You’re going to be shifting from taking care of yourself to having many things taken care of for you. In order to help you find the right facility that will have what you want, that will be comfortable, and that will feel like home for you, it’s a good idea to ask as many questions as you can of the facility.

Speak to the administrators and even talk to some of the regular staff members there. The more people that you talk to, the easier it will be for you to make the right decision about whether it’s perfect for you, or if you should keep looking for something better.

10 questions that you should ask an assisted living facility (the staff members) are:

1. How many staff members do you have working at any given time compared to total number of residents? The more staff members per resident, the better overall care you should expect.

2. Do any staff members administer medications? Only registered nurses or other certified professionals are allow to administer medications in most states. If the facility does not provide this service and you need it, this should weigh in your decision.

3. Is there a nurse on staff at all times?

4. Do you conduct an assessment prior to admission? Some facilities conduct an assessment of the senior to determine if he or she would be ideally suited for this particular facility.

5. Is there outdoor spaces, ie. Walkways, parks, etc. on the premises?

6. What is the discharge policy? If you don’t know this at the beginning, it could cause problems for you if you plan to move later on.

7. What is the average resident like? The age range may vary and their physical abilities may vary as well from one facility to the next.

8. What are the billing and payment policies?

9. Are all services including in the monthly fee?

10. If there is a wait list, how long would it take to be accepted?

The more questions that you ask, the easier it will be to make the right decision about assisted living for you, or for your loved one.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Assisted Living, contact Ashbury Manor Specialty Care and Assisted Living in Fairhope AL at 251-317-3017.

About Cindy Johnson

Ashbury Manor’s Administrator since 2008, Cindy Johnson is a long-time expert in the assisted living field. Prior to her arrival at Ashbury Manor, Cindy managed acquisitions and crisis management for existing and new larger senior care project developments for eleven years. As regional manager for an Oregon-based assisted living management company, Cindy was directly responsible for operations for five 50-65 bed assisted living facilities. As manager during the transition to new ownership, Cindy reorganized internal operations and conducted leadership training for Executive Directors. As a result of her management and expertise, one of the company’s facilities (in Ocala, Florida) received a deficiency-free survey, resulting in the lifting of a moratorium on operation.

A nurse for 36 years, senior care has always been Cindy’s passion. Desiring to work more closely with residents, Cindy became a Category II Administrator in 2005. As Ashbury Manor’s Administrator, Cindy understands the complexities associated with dementia and cognitive impairment and she has fallen in love with seniors with dementia or cognitive impairment and their families.

Cindy is Treasurer of the local “Senior Coalition” chapter. She enjoys mentoring new candidates who want to become administrators.

As a 16-bed facility, with Cindy's training and experience, our residents and their families can be sure Ashbury Manor’s carefully selected staff provides the expertise of a larger facility while maintaining the individualized personal care of a small special needs home.
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