The Right Team is the Winning Combination for Assisted Living

Assisted Living in Citronelle AL

What makes up a winning team? Whether you’re talking about a professional sports team, a company, or anything else, teamwork is important to winning and achieving goals that had been set forth by leaders of those teams.

When you’re talking about assisted living, teamwork is tantamount to creating a positive and comfortable Assisted Living in Citronelle ALenvironment for residents that is safe and appealing. So how does a person recognize the right team when it comes to any particular assisted living facility?

One way to go about this is by thinking in terms of a professional sports team. A professional sports team is not necessarily going to win just because they have the best athletes at any given position. The New York Yankees in recent years have been riddled with problems even though they have the highest payroll in all professional sports and have consistently gone after the best All-Star athletes in each respective position. Their failure to win in recent years is commonly linked to choosing players who are past their prime and not having a strong head coach or any other leadership within the organization.

Yes, experience, talent, and dedication are all essential components to have with regard to individual team members, but those team members need to be able to work together and share common long-term goals.

For a professional sports team, the immediate goals may be to see gradual improvement in each position. A young team will require time to gain experience, improve, and start winning more frequently. In a culture of ‘win now,’ when the fans are impatient, waiting years for a team to develop can be troublesome for management.

For an assisted living facility, it’s important to have experienced team members, but it’s more important to have quality management and leadership within that structure. Anyone looking into assisted living as a viable option for themselves or for a family member should sit down with the administrative staff, ask questions about their long-term goals, their values, see what their mission statement happens to be, and check their reputation. Anyone in a position of leadership will have a documentable and verifiable history of experience. That can tell a lot about the prospect of them leading a winning team.

Any assisted living facility that has been serving seniors for quite some time and has a glowing positive reputation is likely going to be the ideal fit for almost any senior.

Understand the value of teamwork and effort and you will be able to choose the right assisted living community for yourself or your loved one.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Assisted Living near Citronelle, AL, contact Ashbury Manor Specialty Care and Assisted Living at 251-317-3017.

About Cindy Johnson

Ashbury Manor’s Administrator since 2008, Cindy Johnson is a long-time expert in the assisted living field. Prior to her arrival at Ashbury Manor, Cindy managed acquisitions and crisis management for existing and new larger senior care project developments for eleven years. As regional manager for an Oregon-based assisted living management company, Cindy was directly responsible for operations for five 50-65 bed assisted living facilities. As manager during the transition to new ownership, Cindy reorganized internal operations and conducted leadership training for Executive Directors. As a result of her management and expertise, one of the company’s facilities (in Ocala, Florida) received a deficiency-free survey, resulting in the lifting of a moratorium on operation.

A nurse for 36 years, senior care has always been Cindy’s passion. Desiring to work more closely with residents, Cindy became a Category II Administrator in 2005. As Ashbury Manor’s Administrator, Cindy understands the complexities associated with dementia and cognitive impairment and she has fallen in love with seniors with dementia or cognitive impairment and their families.

Cindy is Treasurer of the local “Senior Coalition” chapter. She enjoys mentoring new candidates who want to become administrators.

As a 16-bed facility, with Cindy's training and experience, our residents and their families can be sure Ashbury Manor’s carefully selected staff provides the expertise of a larger facility while maintaining the individualized personal care of a small special needs home.
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